Defiance (Show #015)
Defiance (Show #015)
Format: MP3 (128kbps); Time: 00:28:20
open resistance; bold disobedience
Show Notes
- Alito’s America... Our Future?
- The Rude Pundit...
- "Samuel Alito, Another Motherfucker For America:"
- Jarhead
- Jarhead, a great book
- Offical Jarhead Web Site
- Jarhead Trailer
- One-Fifth of Human Genes Have Been Patented
- Sister Harriet Miers
- Return of Coat Hanger Abortion?
- Health Care in France
- Medical Outsourcing to India
- Wal-Mart to "Cull" Workforce
- Wal-Mart Memo Suggests Ways to Cut Employee Benefit Costs
- Wal-Mart Watch
- WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price
- See "WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price" Free!
- Marijuana should be legal
- Cost of Medical Care, USA vs. The World
- It's Time for National Health Care in The United States
- The Iraq War is a Lie
- Turn Off Your TV podcast
- TV Turn Off Network
- AdBusters
- Book: "TV the Plugin Drug"
- Bill Oreilly
- Rush Limbaugh
* Quote of the Show: *
"Every government has as much of a duty to avoid war as a ship's captain has to avoid a shipwreck." -Guy de Maupasant
* Music *
- "Fortunate Son" - Creedence Clearwater Revival
- "Rock 'n' Roll Doctor" - Little Feat
- "War" - Edwin Starr
- "Dueling Banjos" - Eric Weissberg & Steve Mandell
- "The Letter"- Joe Cocker
good show my mahn! hey, I was wondering if you could mention one of my news heroes, over the more recent years, Bernie Shaw. I found this transscript on google, it's a very good one:
(get mike "the producer" to print it out for ya and READ it, you ignorant FUCK!)
I know you hate TV, but this guy was the heart and soul of CNN for many years (since it's begining) and could you compare and contast what Ted Turner was/is trying to do with CNN with what Rupert (ass bag) Murdock is trying to do with Fox news, of which you seem to disparage quite a bit (especially for someone who never watches TV).
keep kicking ass, you're doin just fine!
If there's anyone who knows Washington DC in a legal way, it's John Dean... I remeber seeing his testimony (ON TV, yep!) during the Nixon hearings when my babysitter was trying desperately to watch her soap operas.
Well, from the following article, I'd say this PlameGate thing could make Watergate look like a mere bagatelle.
What do YOU think, Ray? Is this the republicans' last hurrah, or what?
I'll pass the links on to Ray.
Thanks for tuning-in.
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